My Christmas and New Year's
Monday, 5 January 2015
I celebrated both of these dates very simply but extra happily!!!!!!!!!
I celebrated both of these dates very simply but extra happily!!!!!!!!!
I spent the beginning of Christmas week at a church camp and it was very fulfulling!
Kind of eye-opener too because it was my first church camp as a believer and I feel truly religiously well-fed.
I still have a looooooot to learn/grow as a baby Christian (that's what my preacher called me hehe) and I am very thankful for God's grace. I feel like my path to this faith hasn't been extremely easy so I am even more grateful to be my Father's child :-) I have sooooo much to say about this faith that I'm thinking of creating an online diary for myself to keep track of what I've learnt/overcome so i will stop here
I spent Christmas Eve doing gift exchange with mx wx cry jh zc ken and it was a super simple yet blessed day!!!!! I don't have pictures from my camera and I'm lazy to sync my phone lol
But super super fun day hehe i think its in our blood to chill 24/7 wtf
But super super fun day hehe i think its in our blood to chill 24/7 wtf
My Christmas was also spent simply with my favourite person!
I really forgot what we did in the day liao leh.............. i think sleeping????? omg MY MEMORY IM NOT 20 YET T___________T
but we had dinner at Swensens because we were craving pasta and it was the nearest place we thought of lolol wtf
Onion rings which were so pathetic omg i felt like i was eating batter rings. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
YL got their red velvet hot chocolate with marshmallows from their Christmas menu, and he was upset that it was like such a smaaaaaaaaaall cup LOL.
I had a sip and it tasted a bit like milo. Lolol unnecessarily expensive
Black pepper seafood pasta which was quite nice nom nom!!!!! YL got it only for the mussels lol he has been on a mussel/clam craze lately like rly is go everywhere also must order kind
Crayfish pasta!!!!! I was craving this like siao that day so i was 超开心 hehehehehe
And I always order banana split at Swensen's but now im changing my mind bcos they made it so ugly for me WTF LOL
The only flavour i rly eat is macadamia. then YL anyhow chose mint and cookie chip or something lah walao couldnt they have put the green one in the middle
这样丑的 haiz
(Sorry i dont have the individual prices i forgot to take them down like i usually do for blog posts LOL but bill totalled up to about.......... $80+???
I cannot rmb liao la fml)
We were at IMM so we went to Daiso and bought a lot of useless shit hahahahahahahhahaaha but it was a very good day!!!!!!
With YL every day is good. SO CHEESY LA but true
he on the other hand cannot be bothered with me like got me dont have me also no difference because he is always 1. sleeping 2. watching shows 3. playing pokemon
i hope other bfs are like this too then can make me feel better LOL WTF but i comfort myself with the fact that he doesnt play COD or Dota. Lol cough zc cough
I don't even rmb when the next photos are taken.............. i think it was when i went to the hosp for my dental appt!!!!!!
BACKGROUND INFO for some who dk my jaw cartilage has moved out of my joint la ok FML he says this is probably due to me grinding my teeth in my sleep bcos i wont know about it FML!!!! he is observing me for the moment = frequent visits
i want to avoid the surgery as much as possible omggggggggggg and also my xray showed that my 2 of my wisdom teeth are impacted means like u all know teeth usually grow like 'upwards' ma but mine are growing sideways
NA i got google impacted wisdom tooth photo for u (this is not my xray)
clearly a surgery is needed to extract them fml 想到都怕
i will have to do it sooner or later FML x2
damn funny now that i think abt it but scary also when it happens. bleeding scratches and bruises are common
i rmb that day we were near town we couldnt decide btwn fish&co and manhattan but we went to MFM bcos we thought the queue would be shorter
oh boyyyyyyyyy were we wrong
anyway his clam chowder. continuing his craze
MFM has one of the BEST cheese fries imo!!!!!!!!!!! i always always order cheese fries there
then just YL's cheese fish & chips and i ordered their salmon burger bcos i felt like a burger.
which i regretted bcos fish & chips are so much better haiz
Then my NYE!! very uneventful but fun nonetheless hehe
Ken failing to break my tsum high score wtf
min introduced that game to me and im so bad at that game la 300k max only but i love seeing mini olafs and minnies lolololol a bit gay hor
my first time using a mix and its so easy idk why do i bake from scratch. jk its healthier to make urself bcos u dk what they put inside okie
老板 (feat bottom right 手下)
blur selfie go go go!!!
our best drinker hahhahahahahahahahahhahaha
^ this is called the poker crunch
"我受不了了 一群白痴"
can be new dp liao this
ending with wild frog
ok byeeeeeee xx
(what do u all want me to post next because at the moment i have no more pictures wahahahaahaha)