It's just one of those days whereby nothing is going my way?? It upsets me but at the same time I feel like I couldn't care less about it.. do you know I mean? Sigh.
On a lighter note, I baked cinnamon rolls this morning but because I didn't keep my eye on them, I left them in the oven for too long and they became crispy rolls LOL.
(don't point out my missing roll. meh the photo quality... unfortunately i only took 1 pic)
I mean they were still fluffy on the inside but the exterior became crisp... bahaha oh well not bad for a first time I think. Next time I may try again!
Since I feel like crap today, I'm think I'm going to crawl into bed with a book now. Currently I'm reading the Cityscape Series by Jessica Hawkins and I think I'm halfway through the 2nd book. I would like to point out that even though I can read quite damn fast (I go through books like tissue LOL IS IT A CORRECT ANALOGY) because when I read, nothing else is of concern to me (I don't eat I don't use the washroom I hardly sleep). Is that bad? I feel like it is but it's how I've always been.
OH randomly, I cannot decide if I should dye my hair!! I don't really want to at the moment BUT over the years I have bought soooo many boxed dyes and they are all in my drawer..... LOL I kept telling myself I would use them once I finish JC but now that I've graduated, I don't have the urge to dye my hair anymore because keeping my black hair = low maintenance!!! I'm SO friggin lazy when it comes to my hair it's unbelievable because I feel like I should be a botak LOL I hate washing my hair and I have stopped combing my hair since I graduated secondary school (I think)..? I just really cannot be bothered you know, like it doesn't matter to me at all. Lol
I dyed it once (with a boxed dye again) during one of the school breaks so I thought maybe I should dye my whole head again to get rid of the roots... AND THEN my friends and my sister told me that it actually looks like highlights LOL BUT ITS MY BLACK ROOTS GROWING OUT??? I don't know how do they find it to be natural hahahaha because just the other day YL suddenly pointed out that my roots were glaringly obvious in his opinion wtf
Ok I feel like I'm ranting unnecessarily now. Still trying to get used to blogging... it feels a little weird because it has been so long but at the same time it's not exactly unfamiliar because I blogged for years in the past. I'm going to go read my book and thank you for reading my post too XX
On a lighter note, I baked cinnamon rolls this morning but because I didn't keep my eye on them, I left them in the oven for too long and they became crispy rolls LOL.
I mean they were still fluffy on the inside but the exterior became crisp... bahaha oh well not bad for a first time I think. Next time I may try again!
Since I feel like crap today, I'm think I'm going to crawl into bed with a book now. Currently I'm reading the Cityscape Series by Jessica Hawkins and I think I'm halfway through the 2nd book. I would like to point out that even though I can read quite damn fast (I go through books like tissue LOL IS IT A CORRECT ANALOGY) because when I read, nothing else is of concern to me (I don't eat I don't use the washroom I hardly sleep). Is that bad? I feel like it is but it's how I've always been.
OH randomly, I cannot decide if I should dye my hair!! I don't really want to at the moment BUT over the years I have bought soooo many boxed dyes and they are all in my drawer..... LOL I kept telling myself I would use them once I finish JC but now that I've graduated, I don't have the urge to dye my hair anymore because keeping my black hair = low maintenance!!! I'm SO friggin lazy when it comes to my hair it's unbelievable because I feel like I should be a botak LOL I hate washing my hair and I have stopped combing my hair since I graduated secondary school (I think)..? I just really cannot be bothered you know, like it doesn't matter to me at all. Lol
I dyed it once (with a boxed dye again) during one of the school breaks so I thought maybe I should dye my whole head again to get rid of the roots... AND THEN my friends and my sister told me that it actually looks like highlights LOL BUT ITS MY BLACK ROOTS GROWING OUT??? I don't know how do they find it to be natural hahahaha because just the other day YL suddenly pointed out that my roots were glaringly obvious in his opinion wtf
Ok I feel like I'm ranting unnecessarily now. Still trying to get used to blogging... it feels a little weird because it has been so long but at the same time it's not exactly unfamiliar because I blogged for years in the past. I'm going to go read my book and thank you for reading my post too XX